Abstract: This study aims at answering the problems: “Is the use of movies an effective method for improving students’ verbal and non-verbal communication skills in the teaching of English for Tourism Service Providers?” and “Does the use of movies as an information and communications technology (ICT) for language teaching make learning more meaningful to students studying English for Tourism Service Providers?” The research was conducted at Hotel and Travel Departments of Sahid Tourism Institute of Surakarta from August 2014 to January 2015. There are 48 students of semester five and two English lecturers as research subjects. It uses three techniques for collecting data: observation and field notes, questionnaire, and in-depth interviewing. The research findings show that: (1) the use of movies is an effective method to improve students’ verbal and non-verbal communication skills in the teaching of English for Tourism Service Providers and (2) the use of movies as an information and communications technology (ICT) for language teaching makes learning more meaningful to students studying English for Tourism Service Providers.
Keywords: movies, verbal and non-verbal communication skills, English for Tourism Service Providers
Kata-kata kunci: film, keterampilan komunikasi verbal dan non-verbal, bahasa Inggris untuk penyedia layanan wisata
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