Izah Faizah, Eri Kurniawan


Abstract: This study investigates two features of turn-taking: interruption and overlap, and their frequency in male-female conversations in the talk show Mata Najwa. The approach employed in this study is Conversation Analysis (CA) proposed by Sacks, Schegloff, and Jefferson (1974). By adapting a descriptive qualitative method, this study examines one of the episodes in the talk show Mata Najwa entitled “Pencuri Perhatian”. The focus of this study is the conversations among four speakers, including two males and two females to see what kind of interruptions and overlaps employed by the male and female speakers and how many interruptions and overlaps occur in the conversations. The results show that female speakers use interruption and overlap more than male speakers.Results also reveal that competitive interruption is frequently used by female speakers and noncompetitive overlaps are dominant in the conversations.

Keywords: turn-taking, interruption, overlap, talk show, Mata Najwa, conversation analysis

Abstrak: Penelitian ini meneliti dua fitur turn-taking: interupsi dan overlap, dan frekuensinya dalam percakapan laki-laki dan perempuan dalam talk show Mata Najwa. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Conversation Analysis (CA) yang disampaikan oleh Sacks, Schegloff, dan Jefferson (1974). Dengan mengadaptasi metode deskriptif kualitatif, penelitian ini meneliti salah satu episode dalam talk show Mata Najwa berjudul "Pencuri Perhatian". Fokus penelitian ini adalah percakapan di antara empat pembicara, yaitu dua laki-laki dan dua perempuan untuk melihat jenis interupsi dan overlap apa dilakukan oleh laki-laki dan perempuan pembicara tersebut dan berapa banyak interupsi dan overlap yang terjadi dalam percakapan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembicara perempuan lebih banyak menggunakan interupsi dan overlap dibanding pembicara laki-laki. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa interupsi kompetitif seringkali digunakan oleh pembicara perempuan dan overlap nonkompetitif mendominasi dalam percakapan.

Kata kunci: turn-taking, interupsi, overlap, talk show, Mata Najwa, analisis percakapan

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