IGN Agung Suprastayasa, Luh Nyoman Tri Lilasari


The aims of this study are to identify whether L1 structure and semantic interfere the L2 structure and semantic, and to revise errors in correspondence made by the reservation staff of villas in Badung, Bali. Reservation staffs were choosen as the subject of this study since they are responsible for intense correspondence in English with the clients. A number correspondence of ten reservation staffs from different villas are analyzed for this study. The result shows that the elements of L1 (Indonesian) interfere the use of L2 (English) in the correspondence by the villa staffs that results in some errors in their use of English. The main cause of this interference or errors is the word per word translation from L1 to L2. The implication of this study to the teaching of correspondence is that more emphasis should be put on the acceptable written expressions in English and the grammar.

Keywords: interference, mother tongue, reservation’s staff, correspondence

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