Mengetahui Leadership Potential Melalui LDKM 2020

Mengetahui Leadership Potential Melalui LDKM 2020

STPB, 24 Februari 2020 | Sebagai wadah aspirasi mahasiswa di lingkungan STP NHI Bandung, Senat...

Visitation of the Ambassador of Switzerland to Indonesia

Visitation of the Ambassador of Switzerland to Indonesia

STPB, 6 April 2018 | STP NHI Bandung received a visitation from the Ambassador of Switzerland to...



Bandung, March 14th, 2018 | The Asia Pacific Institute for Event Management (APIEM) held the...

Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in New York as Guest Lecturer at STP NHI Bandung

Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in New York as Guest Lecturer at STP NHI Bandung

STPB, March 13th, 2018 | Trie Edi Mulyani, Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in New...

Student Leadership Basic Training 2018

Student Leadership Basic Training 2018

STPB, February 21st – 22nd, 2018 | 250 students of STP NHI Bandung participate in the Student...

Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Shanghai Present as Guest Lecturer at STP NHI Bandung

Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Shanghai Present as Guest Lecturer at STP NHI Bandung

STPB, February 19th, 2018 | Siti Nugraha Mauludiah, Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia...

Ceu Popong Socialized the Four Pillars of Nationality to STP Bandung Students

Ceu Popong Socialized the Four Pillars of Nationality to STP Bandung Students

STPB, February 9th, 2018 | Member of DPR-RI Commission X for Tourism Sector, Dra. Hj. Popong Otje...

  • Mengetahui Leadership Potential Melalui LDKM 2020

    Mengetahui Leadership Potential Melalui LDKM 2020

    Monday, 24 February 2020 10:18
  • Visitation of the Ambassador of Switzerland to Indonesia

    Visitation of the Ambassador of Switzerland to Indonesia

    Monday, 09 April 2018 13:41


    Friday, 23 March 2018 15:57
  • Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in New York as Guest Lecturer at STP NHI Bandung

    Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in New York as Guest Lecturer at STP NHI Bandung

    Friday, 23 March 2018 15:57
  • Student Leadership Basic Training 2018

    Student Leadership Basic Training 2018

    Monday, 19 March 2018 09:00
  • Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Shanghai Present as Guest Lecturer at STP NHI Bandung

    Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Shanghai Present as Guest Lecturer at STP NHI Bandung

    Monday, 19 March 2018 08:59
  • Ceu Popong Socialized the Four Pillars of Nationality to STP Bandung Students

    Ceu Popong Socialized the Four Pillars of Nationality to STP Bandung Students

    Monday, 19 March 2018 08:57

Latest News

  • Mengetahui Leadership Potential Melalui LDKM 2020 Open or Close

    STPB, 24 Februari 2020 | Sebagai wadah aspirasi mahasiswa di lingkungan STP NHI Bandung, Senat Mahasiswa STP NHI Bandung selalu berusaha memberikan kontribusi positif serta manfaat bagi seluruh mahasiswa/i STP NHI Bandung dalam setiap kegiatan yang dilaksanakan. Salah satunya adalah melalui kegiatan Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Mahasiswa 2020. Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Mahasiswa 2020 mengangkat tema “Discovery in Action” yang berarti penemuan potensi diri yang belum diketahui oleh individu dengan cara melakukan suatu aksi atau tindakan. Yang mana aksi untuk menemukan potensi diri ini dilakukan melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang mendukung para peserta untuk dapat bekerja dan berusaha, serta mampu mengenal dirinya sendiri secara lebih dalam.

    Kegiatan yang telah diikuti oleh 286 orang peserta ini telah dilaksanakan pada hari Kamis - Jum’at, 20-21 Februari 2020 di Dome Malabar STP NHI Bandung. Kegiatan LDKM 2020 dibuka dan diresmikan diwakili oleh Bapak Erfin Roesfian, S.Sos., M.Hum. selaku Pembantu Ketua I Bidang Akademik, Aie Natasha selaku Ketua Senat Mahasiswa sekaligus Penanggung Jawab Kegiatan, dan Maurilla Elisha Janice selaku Ketua Pelaksana Kegiatan. Rangkaian kegiatan selama 2 hari tersebut terdiri dari penyampaian materi dan team project & games.

    Pelaksanaan kegiatan hari pertama yaitu penyampaian materi mengenai “Building Communication in Organization” oleh Ibu Dr. Violetta Simatupang, SE., MH., CHA. Selanjutnya materi mengenai “Time & Self Management” oleh Ibu Ni Gusti Made Kerti Utami, BA, MM.Par., CHE; dilanjutkan dengan materi mengenai “Find Your Leadership Style” oleh Bapak Yoga Hardianto, M.Psi., Bapak Wilson Matara, S.Psi., dan Bapak M. Hiqmah Ameirindo, S.Psi.

    Kegiatan hari kedua yaitu diawali dengan senam pagi ‘Gummy Bear’, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan Post to Post Games dan Big Games untuk melatih kekompakan dan kerjasama dalam team, penerapan komunikasi yang baik dalam team, serta untuk melatih leader dalam team. Kegiatan diakhiri dengan Team Project bertema Pahlawan, yaitu Performance dari setiap kelompok dan Fashion Show perwakilan dari setiap kelompok.

    Sebagai rangkaian acara penutupan, Bapak Faisal Kasim, MM.Par., CHE selaku Ketua STP NHI Bandung memberikan closing speech, yang dilanjutkan laporan akhir kegiatan oleh Ketua Pelaksana Kegiatan LDKM 2020. Di penguhujung acara, ditutup dengan memberikan penghargaan kepada Best of The Best Participant, Best Participant in Group, Best Group, Best Performance, dan Best Fashion Show.


  • Flag Hoisting Ceremony, Celebrate the 73 years Independence Day of Indonesia Open or Close

    STPB, August 17th, 2018 | The lecturers, employees and students of STP NHI Bandung followed the Flag Hoisting Ceremony to celebrate the 73 years Independence Day of Indonesia, on August 17th, 2018.

    Held in the front of DOME Malabar STP NHI Bandung, Faisal, MM.Par., CHE (Acting Director) attended as be builder of the ceremony, read out the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence text and also speech written by Minister of Tourism, Mr. Arief Yahya.

    The previous week, lecturers, employees, and students of STP NHI Bandung welcomed the 73 years Independence Day of Indonesia by participating in various competitions such as Tarik Tambang, Balap Karung, Panjat Pinang, Gebug Bantal, as well as sports matches such as women's futsal, badminton and table tennis.


  • Pembinaan Sikap Dasar dan Profesi 2018 Open or Close

    STPB, July 23 th - 26th, 2018 | New students of STP NHI Bandung participated in the Basic Attitudes and Professional Development (PSDP) for academic year 2018/2019 from July 23th until July 26th. Previously, all students registered for participate in PSDP 2018 on July 17th until July 20th, 2018.

    The opening ceremony of PSDP 2018 was held in Dodik Bela Negara Rindam III Siliwangi Cikole, on Monday, July 23th, 2018. PSDP 2018 activity was carried out in the Campus STP NHI Bandung and Dodik Bela Negara. After participating PSDP 2018 in Dodik Bela Negara on Monday (23/7) and Tuesday (24/7), the participants followed PSDP in SSTP NHI Bandung from July 25th until July 26th, 2018.

    During the activity in Dodik Bela Negara, all participants of PSDP 2018 learn material regarding national vision and religious harmony, also doing marching exercise. Took place in DOME STP NHI Bandung on Thursday (26/7), the night of inauguration ceremony of PSDP 2018 was celebrated with beautiful fireworks.

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  • Selection Enrollment Test of STP NHI Bandung for Academic Year 2018/2019 Open or Close

    STPB, April 16th – 19th, and May 15th - 18th, 2018 | STP NHI Bandung organized the SMMPTNP and SBMPTNP Selection Enrollment Test for Academic Year 2018/2019 for Diploma III, Diploma IV, Bachelor, and Postgraduate Program. SMMPTNP was held on April 16th – 19th , and SBMPTNP was held on May 15th until May 18th, 2018.

    The Enrollment Test consisted of psychological and English written test, oral test (interview) and medical tests which include physical tests, urine tests, and radiology-thorax. The number of applicants who followed the SMMPTNP Enrollment Test reached 3092 applicants, but only 385 participants who passed the selection. Meanwhile, SBMSTAPP was followed by 1766 applicants with the number of participants passed the selection is 325.


  • Professional Competency Development of Room Division Management: Redology 3.0 Open or Close

    STPB, April 25th, 2018 | Students who are members of HIMA Rooms Division Management (MDK) STP NHI Bandung organized the Professional Competency Development (PCD) 2018 on Wednesday, April 25th, 2018. Held in Convention Hall Mandalawangi Building, this event held the Making Bed Competition for universities, Front Office Competition for universities and Making Bed Competition for hotels that were summarized in the "REDOLOGY 3.0".

    Participants who join the competition were not only the students of STP NHI Bandung, but also from other hospitality schools or academies, such as Telkom University, STP Pelita Harapan, Akpar NHI, and others. This event was held as a place for students, especially in the fields of Rooms Division to show their ability and skills in competitions so as to increase their competence before get involve into the real work.


  • Visitation of the Ambassador of Switzerland to Indonesia Open or Close

    STPB, 6 April 2018 | STP NHI Bandung received a visitation from the Ambassador of Switzerland to the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Dr. Yvonne Baumann, on Friday, April 6th, 2018. On that occasion, Mr. Rachmat Solahuddin as the representative of IMI Switzerland Indonesia accompanied the Ambassador of Switzerland. The acceptance of the visitation was held in the Meeting Room 1 and attended by the Management of STP NHI Bandung. The visitation was held as a form of good relationship between STP NHI Bandung and Swiss government since 1973, when STP NHI Bandung is still named National Hotel Institute.


  • Final Examination for the Period of April 2018 Open or Close

    STPB, April 2nd – 5th, 2018 | STP NHI Bandung held the Opening of Final Examination for the Period of April 2018 for Postgraduate, Graduate, Diploma IV, and Diploma III students. The opening was held in the Hall on the 6th floor of Ciremai Building STP Bandung on Monday, April 2nd, 2018. It was officially opened by the Acting Director of STP NHI Bandung, Faisal Kasim, MM.Par., CHE. The Final Examination for the period of April 2018 was held until April 3th, 2018.

    This Final Examination for the Period of April 2018 is participated by 31 students, with one participant of Postgraduate Program and 30 participants of Bachelor Program, Diploma VI, and Diploma III program. The Closing of Final Examination was held on April 5th, 2018, announced the best students with the highest scores : Rensy Agita (Room Division Mgt) with GPA 3.63, Lukito Heru Pratama (Food & beverage Mgt) with GPA 3.52, Alya Nazlannisa (Pastry Mgt) with GPA 3.51, and Intan Khoerunnisa (Pastry Mgt) with GPA 3.51.


  • Surveillance Audit ISO 9001:2015 Open or Close

    STPB, March 26th – 27 th, 2018 | STP Bandung held the first Surveillance Audit ISO 9001: 2015 for Majoring Tourism Education on Monday and Tuesday, March 26th - 27th, 2018. The opening meeting was held in Meeting Room 1, officially opened by Faisal, MM.Par. (Acting Director of STP Bandung), attended by Deputy Directors, Head of Quality Assurance Center, Assistant of Deputy Directors, Heads of Study Program, and Heads of Unit at STP Bandung.

    The Surveillance Auditors were Mr. Wahyudin, Mr. Mangisi Tua Hutahean, and Mr. Heri Jumaedi from DAS Certification. The Surveillance Audit was expected to maintain and ensuring the quality of STP Bandung. The closing meeting was held on Tuesday (27/3) in Meeting Room 1 STP Bandung.



    Bandung, March 14th, 2018 | The Asia Pacific Institute for Event Management (APIEM) held the senior first meeting in Bandung on March 18-20, 2018 with STP NHI Bandung as the host of the organizer. This meeting is participated by all participants or members spread in several countries in Asia such as; Indonesia, Taiwan, Philippines and Malaysia.

    On this occasion, MBK (Convention & Event Business Management) Study Program of STP NHI Bandung got an opportunity from APIEM to facilitate the implementation of APIEM Senior First Meeting in Bandung.

    Various programs that held were open discussion, Gala Dinner, and Bandung City Tour. This event was created with the aim of bringing together all APIEM participants to discuss issues on event management as well as the development of the event management industry in Asia Pacific, especially in APIEM member countries.

    Prof. David Hind, the APIEM President, said APIEM provides consulting services to universities and training center in Asia Pacific region who want to develop curriculums that meet the needs of the event industry.


  • Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in New York as Guest Lecturer at STP NHI Bandung Open or Close

    STPB, March 13th, 2018 | Trie Edi Mulyani, Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in New York who also Ambassador f Republic of Indonesia in Bogota Colmubia (2012-2017), attended as guest lecturer on Friday, February 19th, 2018. Held at the Convention Hall on the 2nd floor of Mandalawangi Building STP NHI Bandung, the students attended guest lecture activity entitled "Tourism Jaman Now".

    In her presentation, Trie conveyed related to recent condition of tourism and the impact of tourist visit for a country. In addition, she is also mentioned Culture and Tourism Diplomacy that has been done as an effort to reach the national interest in the field of tourism. The diplomacy efforts undertaken by Indonesia in enhancing Indonesian tourism in the international world is a diplomacy that involves several aspects of Multi Track Diplomacy: Track one/ government, Track two/ non government, Track three/ business, Track four/ private citizen, Track five/ research, training, education, and Track six/ media.

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    Bandung, March 11th, 2018 | Celebrate the 56th anniversary on March 11th, 2018, STP NHI Bandung held a series activities on March 8th to March 12th, 2018. With the theme "Wonderful Entrepreneur for Wonderful Indonesia", the activities consist of Tasyakur Milad, Sports and Art Week (PORSENI), Enhaii Got Talent, Social Activity, 56th Anniversary Celebration, Open Session of STP NHI Bandung Senate, Scientific Oration, Retirement Graduation Period 2017/2018, Blood Donor, and Handover of Director to Acting Director STP NHI Bandung.

    DKM As-Safir STP NHI Bandung conducted Tasyakur Milad activities on Thursday and Friday, 8 and 9 March 2018 at As-Safir Mosque attended by lecturers, employees, and students. Tasyakur Milad consists of Mabitan, Tasyakur Bini'mah, 56th Milad Prayer STP NHI Bandung, and Istigosah with lecturers, staffs, students and Majlis Taklim PHRI Kota Bandung.

    As a form of concern for the health, cleanliness and comfortness of the work and lectures environment at STP NHI Bandung, students, lecturers, and staff of STP NHI Bandung followed the activities of Morning Gymnastics and Jumat Bersih on March 9, 2018. On the same day, students of Food Production Management and Pastry Management attended the Workshop on Entrepreneurship of Food and Beverage Product Development and Cooking Demo presented by Chef Ricky Isnanto.

    In addition, students, lecturers and employees participated and competed in the Games and Arts Week (PORSENI), Fun Games and Enhaii Got Talent held in DOME Malabar for three days from 9 to 11 March 2018, with sport competition on badminton, 3 on 3 basketball, traditional gymnastics and table tennis, as well as various races like Hula Hoop Competition, Sack Race, Road Competition with Clogs, Futsal Eggplant Competition, and Crackers Feeding Competition. STP NHI Bandung also provides assistance to orphanages and nursing homes in Bandung as a form of Social Activities.

    The 56th Anniversary celebration held on Monday, March 12, 2018. The series of events are the Open Session of STP NHI Bandung Senate, Scientific Oration with the theme "Relation between National Resilience with Tourism Industry" delivered by Lt. Gen. (Ret) Agus Widjojo as Governor of National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas), Graduation of Purnabakti STP NHI Bandung employees with retirement year 2017, and Blood Donor.

    On this occasion also held Handover Position from the former Director STP NHI Bandung, Dr. Anang Sutono, MM.Par., CHE to Acting Director Faisal Kasim, MM.Par., CHE. Since inaugurated as Expert Staff of Economic Sector and Tourism Area of Ministry of Tourism by Minister of Tourism RI, Dr. Ir. Arief Yahya, M.Sc. on February 28, 2018 and then, Dr. Anang Sutono has now officially handed over the Acting Director of STP Bandung to Faisal Kasim who previously served as Director of the Medan Tourism Academy and Director of Finance, Public Affairs and Public Communications of the Executive Agency of Lake Toba Authority (BPODT).

  • SYNO ENHAII 186, STP NHI Bandung Online Data Storage Open or Close

    STPB, March 8th, 2018 | Acting Director of STP NHI Bandung, Faisal, MM.Par., CHE inaugurated SYNO ENHAII 186, an online data storage media for all units and study programs at STP NHI Bandung, on Thursday, March 8th, 2018. Took place in Meeting Room 1 Rectorate Building, the inauguration was held before the socialization of online data storage begins.

    Center of Quality Assurance Center (PPM) STP NHI Bandung creates an online data storage that can be accessed by management, and all units and study programs in STP NHI Bandung, which then officially named SYNO ENHAII 186. To optimize the use of the online storage, PPM organizes the Socialization of Online Data Storage SYNO ENHAII 186 to all units and study programs, especially members of the Quality Control Unit, as preparation for Internal Audit which will be held on 26 and 27 March 2018. SYNO ENHAII 186 is expected to facilitate the completion of quality documents for audit support.


  • Visitation of the Regent of Pakpak Barat Open or Close

    STPB, March 2nd, 2018 | Director of STP NHI Bandung, Dr. Anang Sutono, CHE warmly welcome the visitation of the Regent of Pakpak Barat Regency of North Sumatra, Dr. Remigo Yolando Berutu om Friday, March 2nd, 2018. Held in Meeting Room 1, this visitation as a follow up of the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding in the field of education that was held on June 22th, 2017. In this occasion, STP NHI Bandung handed the document supporting the establishment of tourism education institution in Kab. Pakpak Barat.

  • Student Leadership Basic Training 2018 Open or Close

    STPB, February 21st – 22nd, 2018 | 250 students of STP NHI Bandung participate in the Student Leadership Basic Training (LDKM) 2018 on Wednesday and Thursday, February 21st – 22nd, 2018. With the theme of "DISCOVER YOURSELF", the event was officially opened by the Director of STP NHI Bandung, Dr. Anang Sutono, CHE.

    Held in the Convention Hall on the 2nd floor of Mandalawangi Building STP NHI Bandung, the activities on the first day, the presentation of leadership materials related to the development of self-potential and the presentation of the Student Senate by members of the Student Senate for the period of 2016-2018. The material presented by the lecturers of STP NHI Bandung : "Wonderful Leader for Wonderful Indonesia" by Dr. Anang Sutono, MM.Par., CHE., TalkShow Session "How to Discover Yourself from 3 Best Lecturers of STP NHI Bandung" by Ni Gusti Made Kerti Utami, BA., MM.Par., Siti Yulia Irani Nugraha, SE., MM.Par., and Edwin Ardiansyah, S.ST.Par., MM.Par., and also "Management and Organization" by Dr. Anwari Masatip., MM.Par. Through this activity, each participant is expected to develop their own potential so that it will create a leader who is aware of their self ability, which will form a diverse leader and has a high tolerance spirit.

    The second day activity held at Dome STP NHI Bandung, with a series of sports activities that put forward the concept of leadership, delivered through interactive team building and compactness and competition games. At the end of the event was announced also some awards for The Best Participants and The Best Group. LDKM 2018 officially closed by the Deputy Director I for Academic Affairs, Drs. Jacob Ganef Pah, MT.


  • Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Shanghai Present as Guest Lecturer at STP NHI Bandung Open or Close

    STPB, February 19th, 2018 | Siti Nugraha Mauludiah, Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Shanghai attended as guest lecturer on Friday, February 19th, 2018. Held at the Convention Hall on the 2nd floor of Mandalawangi Building STP NHI Bandung, the students attended guest lecture activity entitled "Chinese and Indonesia Cooperation in the Field of Tourism ".

    In her presentation, Siti Nugraha conveyed related to recent developments in China and their strategy to utilize geo-strategic change through connectivity by developing the land and maritime logistics network. Shanghai, which is the economic motor of China has great tourist market potential. If we seen from the pattern of tourist visit in 2015, the leverage of the end of the year of foreign tourists from China is not optimal. With still low penetration, Indonesia's chances for China's tourism market are still open. The opening of the flight path is directly proportional to the increase in the number of visits. In addition, any promotions made are expected to adapt the Chinese special calendars and online promotional activities also need to pay attention to Chinese Social Media Landscape.


  • STP Bandung with Forest Research and Development Center Officially Inaugurate The Ecotourism Science & Technology Research Forest Cikole Open or Close

    Cikole, February 12th, 2018 | Director of STP Bandung, Dr. Anang Sutono., MM.Par., CHE together with the Head of Forest Research and Development Center, Dr. Ir. Kirsfianti L. Ginoga, M.Sc, inaugurated the Ecotourism Science and Technology Research Forest Area of Cikole, West Bandung Regency, West Java on Monday, February 12th, 2018.

    The inauguration of Cikole Research Forest initiated by Research and Community Service Center (Puslitabmas) STP Bandung, aims to develop ecotourism of science and technology through research, development and innovation of science-based scientific and technological tourism applications as well as environment and forestry.

    In the series of the launching event, there were the signing of Cooperation Agreement between Forest Research and Development Center, Research and Development and Innovation Center -KLHK represented by Dr.Ir.Kirsfianti L.Ginoga, M.Sc, with RCSC STP Bandung-Kemenpar represented by Dr.Beta Budisetyorini, M.Sc. The inauguration ceremony of Ecotourism Science & Technology Research Forest Cikole was closed with short tracking activity.


  • Ceu Popong Socialized the Four Pillars of Nationality to STP Bandung Students Open or Close

    STPB, February 9th, 2018 | Member of DPR-RI Commission X for Tourism Sector, Dra. Hj. Popong Otje Djundjunan socialized the Four Pillars of Nationality and State Life at STP NHI Bandung on Friday, February 9th, 2018. Held at Convention Hall Mandalawangi Building STP NHI Bandung, this activity is expected to add understanding and strengthening awareness of the students in nationalism and defend the country. To some 250 students STP NHI Bandung, Dra. Hj. Popong Otje Djundjunan who is often called Ceu Popong said that Indonesia has four national consensus namely Pancasila, UUD 45, NKRI, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which framing and underlying and become pillars in social life.

    As a debriefing to STP NHI Bandung students, Ceu Popong reminded that the future of tourism will be advanced if the raw material of tourism is processed properly so that its products can be marketed. Industries require a qualified human resources, where reliable human resources from tourism education institutions should receive great attention. For that, STP NHI Bandung students need to understand and strengthen awareness in the nationalism and defend the country.

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    STPB, January 22nd, 2017 | Starting the second semester for the period of January to July 2018, STP Bandung held a series of activities that begins with a procession of Students Admission for Academic Year 2017/2018 on January 22nd, 2017. Held at Convention Hall, the event was attended by students of Diploma and Postgraduate Program. The procession officially opened by the Director of STP Bandung, Dr. Anang Sutono, MM.Par., CHE.

    STP Bandung invited Dr. Dina Dellyana, S.Farm., Apt., MBA (Lecturer of School of Business and Management ITB) as Guest Lecture on the topic "Entrepreneurship di Sektor Pariwisata". Angga Nugraha (Founder PT. Cita Rasa Prima Indonesia Berjaya Group – Nasi Goreng Rempah Mafia, Warunk Upnormal, Bakso Boedjangan, Sambal Khas Karmila) also attended to delivere topic on “Berani menjadi Wirausahawan”.

    As one of series of this event, Reception of Students Return from Job Training (PKN) Period 63 was held at the Convention Hall on the same day. Mr. Pascal Caubo, General Manager of Intercontinental Bandung Dago Pakar, attended as a guest speaker on the topic "Tren Bisnis Profesional Hospitaliti di Industri Pariwisata", and Mr. Daniel Bartolomeus (Director of Operation Moxy Bandung) delivered the topic on “Tren Bisnis Profesional Hospitaliti di Industri Pariwisata”.

    Regent of Toba Samosir, Ir. Darwin Siagian and Managing Director of the Authority Board of Lake Toba, Ir. Arie Prasetyo, attended as a guest lecturers with the topic "Peran SDM Profesional dalam Penguatan Pembangunan Destinasi Pariwisata " in Guest Lecture activity on Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018.

  • Final Examination for the Period of January 2018 Open or Close

    STPB, January 15th, 2018 | STP NHI Bandung held the Opening of Final Examination for the Period of january 2018 for Postgraduate, Graduate, Diploma IV, and Diploma III students. The opening was held in the Hall on the 6th floor of Ciremai Building STP Bandung on Monday, January 8th, 2018. It was officially opened by the Director of STP NHI Bandung, Dr. Anang Sutono. Final Examination for the period of January 2018 will be held until January 10th, 2018.

    This Final Examination for the Period of January 2018 is participated by 197 students, with eight participants of Postgraduate Program and four participants of Bachelor Program, 11 participants of Diploma VI, and 174 participants of Diploma III. The Closing of Final Examination was held on January 15th, 2018, announced the best students with the highest scores; Grace Audre Putri (Room Division Management - 3.83), Kenny Cen (Kitchen Management - 3.82), Rahma Meidyani Putri (Pastry Management - 3.78), Nisrina Ulfah Rasyad (Accommodation & Catering Study - 3.71), Ira Novisa (Food & Beverage Management - 3.69), Mayadita Hikmatiah Putri (Tourism Business Management - 3.62), Chatarina Lana Aritya (Tourism Destination Study - 3.62), Shinta Aprilya (Travel Industry Study - 3.56), Dela Kristanti (Tourism Destination Management - 3.51), and Moch. Rulliyadi Rukmanda (Postgraduate Program - 3.42).


  • Inauguration of Job Training Students for the Period of January - July 2018 Open or Close

    STPB, January 11th, 2018 | Internship Career Centre (ICC) of STP Bandung conducted the Inauguration of Job Training students for the period of January - July 2018 on Thursday, January 11th, 2018. Held in the Hall on the 6th floor of Ciremai Building STP Bandung, Mr. Erfin Roesfian (Deputy Director IV for Quality Assurance and Partnership) officially inaugurated the students.

    The students for the job training in the period of January - July 2018 are 217 participants. The students who have passed the selection process for job training abroad are 88 students, and 129 students in Indonesia. On the occasion, the Head of ICC Unit, Mrs. Hanna Daniati, reported the Job Training for the Period of January - July 2018.

    The selection of job training paricipants was conducted through meeting decision, medical tests, and psychological test. For the implementation of job training abroad, the selection was carried out through English language proficiency test by a team of English language lecturers of STP Bandung.


AdmirorGallery 4.5.0, author/s Vasiljevski & Kekeljevic.
FaLang translation system by Faboba


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