About STPB

Category: Tentang STPB

Bandung Tourism institute (Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung), formerly known as NHI (National Hotel Institute), is a tourism institute under the Ministry of Tourism and academically it is under the Ministry of National Education.
As a government institute, STP Bandung aims to produce tourism professionals as national assets with international quality who are creative and posses the spirit of entrepreneurship, Indonesian personality and values.
STP Bandung establishes partnership with national and international universities in developing the educational programmes of D-III, D-IV, S1 (Bachelor Degree) and Master of Tourism Management.
The educational programmes at STP Bandung emphasize on the achievements of scientific skills which are enriched with laboratory practice, field study and internship (industrial attachment/on the job training).


to becomea world-class tourism educational institute that mantains Indonesian personality.


  • Improving the quality of education and teaching in the field of tourism through the development of learning capacity.
  • Improving the quality and variety of research for the development of tourism science and technology based on local wisdom.
  • Increasing the capacity of tourism science applications through community service in an effort to improve welfare.
  • Positioning itself as an innovation agent in promoting the independence of national tourism development.
  • Serving as the main node of higher education tourism network in Indonesia.

Grand Strategy

  • Developing professional and international quality human resources in the field of tourism
  • Building an effective, efficient and accountable education organization
  • Building networks with regional and international stakeholders
  • Developing research and service in the field of tourism for the community and industry


The history of Bandung Institute of Tourism dates back to the establishment of Sekolah Kejuruan Perhotelan (SKP – Hotel Vocational School/Vocational School of Hospitality) in 1959 under the Department of Education and Culture.

  • 11 March 1962. Akademi Perhotelan dan Perestoranan (APP – Hotel and Restaurant Academy) was established as a continuation of SKPH under the Department of Land Transportation. The length of study was three years.
  • 08 March 1965. APP was changed into Akademi Perhotelan National (APN – National Hotel Academy). This was the first hotel academy in Indonesia.
  • 07 March 1967. The Department of Transport merged APN and SKP into Pusat Pendidikan Kepariwisataan (PUSDIKPAR – Tourism Education Center).
  • 06 January 1970. The name was changed back to the Akademi Perhotelan Nasional (APN).
  • 21 July 1973. APN changed its name to NHI (National Hotel Institute) or the Center for Hospitality Education because in that year the Government of Indonesia entered into cooperation with the Swiss government in the field of hospitality education. The education system used was diploma programs I, II and III. The name of this institution (NHI) is still known to the public to date.
  • 21 July 1979. In line with the needs of the tourism workforce, NHI was developed into National Hotel & Tourism Institute (NHTI) with the addition of two departments: Tours and Travel Management and Tourism Management.
  • 11 November 1981, NHTI transformed into Balai Pendidikan dan Latihan Pariwisata Bandung (BPLP – Tourism Education and Training Centre Bandung) under the Department of Tourism, Post and Telecommunication.
  • 01 November 1993. To improve the quality of tourism education in Indonesia, based on Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia No.101, 1993 issued on 01 November 1993, BPLP Bandung transformed into Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung (STPB – Bandung Institute of Tourism) with the addition of Diploma IV programmes.

Positions Of STP Bandung

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 101 of 1993 and the Decree of the Minister of Tourism, Post and Telecommunication No. KM52/DL.107/MPPT-95 Bandung Institute of Tourism is an educational institute that organizes professional education programmes in the field of tourism under the Ministry of Culture and Creative Economy, and academically it is under the supervision of the Directorate General of Ministry of National Education.

Based on Presidential Decree no. 59 / P / 2011 dated 18 October 2011 on the appointment of ministers, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Kemenbudpar) was changed into the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf).

Leader of Bandung Tourism Institute

  1. 1962 - 1964, A. WIDAGDO, Direktur Akademi Perhotelan Perestoranan (APP)
  2. 1964 - 1966, Drs. HARI HARTONO (Alm), Direktur Akademi Perhotelan Nasional (APN)
  3. 1967 - 1969, Drs. SOKARSONO, Direktur Akademi Perhotelan Nasional (APN)
  4. 1967 - 1969, Kol. Cad GOENADI, Direktur Akademi Perhotelan Nasional (APN)
  5. 1969 - 1973, Drs. HANAFI, Direktur Akademi Perhotelan Nasional (APN)
  6. 1973 - 1976, Drs. HARI HARTONO, Direktur Pusat Pendidikan Perhotelan (NHI)
  7. 1976 - 1978, Drs. I GEDE ARDIKA, Direktur Pusat Pendidikan Perhotelan (NHI)
  8. 1978 - 1982, Drs. ACEP HIDAYAT, Direktur Pusat Pendidikan Perhotelan dan Pariwisata (NHTI)
  9. 1982 - 1988, NICO KARL LEGOH, Kepala Balai Pendidikan dan Latihan Pariwisata (BPLP)
  10. 1988 - 1993, Drs. DEMSON R.H GOELTOM, Kepala Balai Pendidikan dan Latihan Pariwisata (BPLP)
  11. 1993 - 1998, Drs. DEMSON R.H GOELTOM, Pelaksana Harian Ketua Sekolajh Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung (STPB)
  12. 1998 - 1998, Drs. WIM PANGKEREGO, Ketua Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung (STPB)
  13. 1998 - 2005, Drs. I WAYAN BENDHI, BA., Ketua Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung (STPB)
  14. 2005 - 2009, Dra. UPIEK HAERYAH SADKAR, M.Sc., Ketua Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung (STPB)
  15. 2009 - 2011, Drs. DJONI SOFYAN ISKANDAR, MM., Ketua Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung (STPB)
  16. 2011 - 2012, Drs. NOVIENDI MAKALAM, MA. Ketua Sekolah Tinggi Pariwiata Bandung (STPB)
  17. 2012 - 2014, plt. Drs. SAIFUL ADI, M.Pd. (STPB)
  18. 2014 - 2018, Dr. ANANG SUTONO MM.Par., CHE. (STPB)
  19. 2018 - sekaramg, FAISAL, MM.Par., CHE. (STPB)


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Perguruan Tinggi Pariwisata dibawah Kementerian Pariwisata :
STP Bandung | Poltekpar Bali | Poltekpar Medan | Poltekpar Makassar | Poltekpar Palembang | Poltekpar Lombok

*bagi Dosen/Mahasiswa, untuk akses diluar STP Bandung user id dapat diminta pada Unit Perpustakaan.

Friday the 1st. Joomla Templates Free. @stp bandung | jl. dr setiabudhi 186 Bandung 40141, jawa barat, indonesia .