Student Leadership Basic Training 2018

Category: Berita STPB

STPB, February 21st – 22nd, 2018 | 250 students of STP NHI Bandung participate in the Student Leadership Basic Training (LDKM) 2018 on Wednesday and Thursday, February 21st – 22nd, 2018. With the theme of "DISCOVER YOURSELF", the event was officially opened by the Director of STP NHI Bandung, Dr. Anang Sutono, CHE.

Held in the Convention Hall on the 2nd floor of Mandalawangi Building STP NHI Bandung, the activities on the first day, the presentation of leadership materials related to the development of self-potential and the presentation of the Student Senate by members of the Student Senate for the period of 2016-2018. The material presented by the lecturers of STP NHI Bandung : "Wonderful Leader for Wonderful Indonesia" by Dr. Anang Sutono, MM.Par., CHE., TalkShow Session "How to Discover Yourself from 3 Best Lecturers of STP NHI Bandung" by Ni Gusti Made Kerti Utami, BA., MM.Par., Siti Yulia Irani Nugraha, SE., MM.Par., and Edwin Ardiansyah, S.ST.Par., MM.Par., and also "Management and Organization" by Dr. Anwari Masatip., MM.Par. Through this activity, each participant is expected to develop their own potential so that it will create a leader who is aware of their self ability, which will form a diverse leader and has a high tolerance spirit.

The second day activity held at Dome STP NHI Bandung, with a series of sports activities that put forward the concept of leadership, delivered through interactive team building and compactness and competition games. At the end of the event was announced also some awards for The Best Participants and The Best Group. LDKM 2018 officially closed by the Deputy Director I for Academic Affairs, Drs. Jacob Ganef Pah, MT.


AdmirorGallery 4.5.0, author/s Vasiljevski & Kekeljevic.
FaLang translation system by Faboba


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