Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in New York as Guest Lecturer at STP NHI Bandung

Category: Berita STPB

STPB, March 13th, 2018 | Trie Edi Mulyani, Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in New York who also Ambassador f Republic of Indonesia in Bogota Colmubia (2012-2017), attended as guest lecturer on Friday, February 19th, 2018. Held at the Convention Hall on the 2nd floor of Mandalawangi Building STP NHI Bandung, the students attended guest lecture activity entitled "Tourism Jaman Now".

In her presentation, Trie conveyed related to recent condition of tourism and the impact of tourist visit for a country. In addition, she is also mentioned Culture and Tourism Diplomacy that has been done as an effort to reach the national interest in the field of tourism. The diplomacy efforts undertaken by Indonesia in enhancing Indonesian tourism in the international world is a diplomacy that involves several aspects of Multi Track Diplomacy: Track one/ government, Track two/ non government, Track three/ business, Track four/ private citizen, Track five/ research, training, education, and Track six/ media.

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AdmirorGallery 4.5.0, author/s Vasiljevski & Kekeljevic.
FaLang translation system by Faboba


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