Category: Berita STPB

Bandung, March 14th, 2018 | The Asia Pacific Institute for Event Management (APIEM) held the senior first meeting in Bandung on March 18-20, 2018 with STP NHI Bandung as the host of the organizer. This meeting is participated by all participants or members spread in several countries in Asia such as; Indonesia, Taiwan, Philippines and Malaysia.

On this occasion, MBK (Convention & Event Business Management) Study Program of STP NHI Bandung got an opportunity from APIEM to facilitate the implementation of APIEM Senior First Meeting in Bandung.

Various programs that held were open discussion, Gala Dinner, and Bandung City Tour. This event was created with the aim of bringing together all APIEM participants to discuss issues on event management as well as the development of the event management industry in Asia Pacific, especially in APIEM member countries.

Prof. David Hind, the APIEM President, said APIEM provides consulting services to universities and training center in Asia Pacific region who want to develop curriculums that meet the needs of the event industry.


AdmirorGallery 4.5.0, author/s Vasiljevski & Kekeljevic.
FaLang translation system by Faboba


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*bagi Dosen/Mahasiswa, untuk akses diluar STP Bandung user id dapat diminta pada Unit Perpustakaan.

Wednesday the 29th. Joomla Templates Free. @stp bandung | jl. dr setiabudhi 186 Bandung 40141, jawa barat, indonesia .