Category: Berita STPB

STPB, January 20th, 2017 | Starting the second semester for the period of January to July 2017, STP Bandung held a series of activities that begins with a procession of Students Admission for Academic Year 2016/2017 on January 23rd, 2016. Held at the Convention Hall, the event was attended by students of Diploma and Postgraduate Program. The procession officially opened by the Director of STP Bandung, Dr. Anang Sutono, MM.Par., CHE.

One of a series of activities at the beginning of the period of January - July 2017 is the inauguration of "Healthy Living Corner" by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN). "Healthy Living Corner" was initiated by one of the alumni of STP Bandung, and Dr. Anang Sutono as Director of STP Bandung, in the prevention of drug abuse on campus as well as foster awareness of the academic community STP Bandung campus of the dangers and adverse effects of drugs are becoming increasingly rising.

As a debriefing for the 2nd and 3rd semester students, STP Bandung invited Tantowi Yahya (Ambassador of Indonesia to New Zealand) who is also an alumnus of STP Bandung (at that time still called Tourism Training and Education Center) as Guest Lecture on the topic "Global Professional Attitude for Wonderful Tourism".

Dr. Anang Sutono reveals, that the Global Challenge in the field of Tourism and Hospitality only could answer with: 1) Building a Professional Attitude with Indonesian personality and building Culture, as well as 2) Plugging the Global Leadership capability with AADC Indicators (Adaptive, Awakener, Discipline, Confident). Everything must be accompanied by fundamental strategy which is Marching Forward in Harmony and Collectivity, together with each respective roles towards the vision : to become a leading institution and remains Indonesian personality.

AdmirorGallery 4.5.0, author/s Vasiljevski & Kekeljevic.
FaLang translation system by Faboba


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Monday the 15th. Joomla Templates Free. @stp bandung | jl. dr setiabudhi 186 Bandung 40141, jawa barat, indonesia .