Ceu Popong Socialized the Four Pillars of Nationality to STP Bandung Students
STPB, February 9th, 2018 | Member of DPR-RI Commission X for Tourism Sector, Dra. Hj. Popong Otje Djundjunan socialized the Four Pillars of Nationality and State Life at STP NHI Bandung on Friday, February 9th, 2018. Held at Convention Hall Mandalawangi Building STP NHI Bandung, this activity is expected to add understanding and strengthening awareness of the students in nationalism and defend the country. To some 250 students STP NHI Bandung, Dra. Hj. Popong Otje Djundjunan who is often called Ceu Popong said that Indonesia has four national consensus namely Pancasila, UUD 45, NKRI, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which framing and underlying and become pillars in social life.
As a debriefing to STP NHI Bandung students, Ceu Popong reminded that the future of tourism will be advanced if the raw material of tourism is processed properly so that its products can be marketed. Industries require a qualified human resources, where reliable human resources from tourism education institutions should receive great attention. For that, STP NHI Bandung students need to understand and strengthen awareness in the nationalism and defend the country.