Final Examination for the Period of April 2018

Category: Berita STPB

STPB, April 2nd – 5th, 2018 | STP NHI Bandung held the Opening of Final Examination for the Period of April 2018 for Postgraduate, Graduate, Diploma IV, and Diploma III students. The opening was held in the Hall on the 6th floor of Ciremai Building STP Bandung on Monday, April 2nd, 2018. It was officially opened by the Acting Director of STP NHI Bandung, Faisal Kasim, MM.Par., CHE. The Final Examination for the period of April 2018 was held until April 3th, 2018.

This Final Examination for the Period of April 2018 is participated by 31 students, with one participant of Postgraduate Program and 30 participants of Bachelor Program, Diploma VI, and Diploma III program. The Closing of Final Examination was held on April 5th, 2018, announced the best students with the highest scores : Rensy Agita (Room Division Mgt) with GPA 3.63, Lukito Heru Pratama (Food & beverage Mgt) with GPA 3.52, Alya Nazlannisa (Pastry Mgt) with GPA 3.51, and Intan Khoerunnisa (Pastry Mgt) with GPA 3.51.

AdmirorGallery 4.5.0, author/s Vasiljevski & Kekeljevic.
FaLang translation system by Faboba


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