ADH : Educative Quiz

Category: Kegiatan Mahasiswa

STPB, June 12th 2014 | On Thursday, June 12, 2014, Study Program Hotel Administration, Bandung Institute of Tourism, educative quiz held an event called "Numero Uno", aimed at participants can learn while playing. So the participants could recall basic knowledge with the atmosphere of the game, rather than a formal setting such as the daily teaching and learning activities. It also organized in order to participated in the Creative Professional Development activities are held annually, and is followed by all students Study Program Hotel Administration.

The goal has been achieved from the holding of these activities include:

  1. Strengthening brotherhood between all ropes Bandung Institute of Tourism.
  2. Create Students of Hotel Administration have an increasingly close relationship between each other.
  3. to provide an educational function to all visitor activity this PCD.
  4. Trigger the whole students Hotels Administration to play an active role in this activity either in shedding the idea and kreativas, as well as participating in the event.


AdmirorGallery 4.5.0, author/s Vasiljevski & Kekeljevic.
FaLang translation system by Faboba


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