"STP Beraksi"

Category: Kegiatan Mahasiswa

Karang Tanjung, April 12th, 2015 | The Student Senate (SEMA) and Student Association (HIMA) of Bandung Institute of Tourism followed the social activities which was also as the work program of the Student Senate called STP Beraksi on April 12th, 2015. The activity was aims to ease the burden of residents who were victims of a landslide at Karang Tanjung village, sub-district of Cililin, in district of West Bandung.
Landslide that occurred on Thursday (2/4) fell on some residents of Karang Tanjung houses around, which is resulted their homes destroyed and buried by the landslide. For temporary time they lived at evacuation shelters that located in SDN 1 Karang Tanjung. When the students visited the Karang Tanjung village, they provided them with blankets, clothes, infant milks, biscuits, baby food, other useful items, and also helped cook for landslide victims in a place called ‘Dapur Umum’.


AdmirorGallery 4.5.0, author/s Vasiljevski & Kekeljevic.
FaLang translation system by Faboba


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