Sarana Pendidikan
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- Category: Tentang STPB
- Hits: 40197
Jenis Sarana Pendidikan, terdiri dari :
Umum :
- Ruang Kelas dengan Komputer & Projector
- Perpustakaan + Komputer
- Laboratorium dan Ruang Belajar Mandiri Bahasa
- Laboratorium Komputer - 30 Komputer
- Asrama (Putri)
- Hotel Praktik
- Sarana Olah Raga
- Sarana Kesenian
Jurusan Hospitaliti :
- Ruang Simulasi Kantor Depan
- Laboratorium Komputer Registrasi Hotel (Fidelio) 24 Komputer
- Laboratorium Tata Graha
- Dobi
- Hotel Praktik (eNHaii Hotel)
- Laboratorium Tata Boga dan Patiseri
- Laboratorium Restoran dan Bar
- Restoran Praktik (Nusantara Restoran)
- Ruang Dapur Indivisual
- Labiratorium Makanan
Jurusan Kepariwisataan :
- Ruang Studio
Jurusan Perjalanan :
- Bus Praktik
- Laboratorium Komputer Reservasi Penerbangan Online (Abacus & Galileo) - 24 Komputer
- Ruang Simulasi Reservasi Penerbangan
- Ruang Praktik Kargo
- Gerai Check-in Bandara
- Ruang Simulasi Pemanduan Wisata / Bus Wisata
- Ruang Simulasi Travel dan Counter Perusahaan Penerbangan
Unit Kegiatan
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- Category: Tentang STPB
- Hits: 27927
- Unit Praktik Kerja Nyata (PKN)
- Unit Kerjasama & Penjaminan Mutu
- Unit Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (PUSLITABMAS)
- Unit Hubungan Masyarakat (HUMAS)
- Unit Perpustakaan
- Unit Bahasa
- Unit Foodlab
- Unit Professional Development (PRODEC)
- Unit Pelayanan Teknologi Informasi (PTI)
- Unit Lembaga Serifikasi (LSP)
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- Category: Tentang STPB
- Hits: 248843
Bandung Tourism institute (Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung), formerly known as NHI (National Hotel Institute), is a tourism institute under the Ministry of Tourism and academically it is under the Ministry of National Education.
As a government institute, STP Bandung aims to produce tourism professionals as national assets with international quality who are creative and posses the spirit of entrepreneurship, Indonesian personality and values.
STP Bandung establishes partnership with national and international universities in developing the educational programmes of D-III, D-IV, S1 (Bachelor Degree) and Master of Tourism Management.
The educational programmes at STP Bandung emphasize on the achievements of scientific skills which are enriched with laboratory practice, field study and internship (industrial attachment/on the job training).