Warm Greetings from Bandung

Warm greetings from the flower city of Bandung, Indonesia!

We are proud to announce that our institution Bandung Institute of Tourism (BIT) has been selected to host the 2nd UNWTO. TedQual Reginal Event Asia and the Pacific, in Bandung, Indonesia from 5 to 7 December 2012.
The theme of this event is: "The tourism labor market: mapping composition of job requirements for contributing to a fair treatment of the tourism professional worldwide".

The presenter for that event :
- Drs. I Gusti Putu Laksaguna, CHA, M.Sc - Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Republic of Indonesia
- Drs. Noviendi Makalam, MA. - Director of Bandung Institute of Tourism, Indonesia
- Representative from Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao, P:R China
- Kumar Ashutosh, Centre for Tourism Studies, Rajasthan, India
- Zulkifli Harahap, S.Sos., MM.Par. - Bandung Institute of Tourism, Indonesia
- Loreto Ibañez, UNWTO.TedQual Manager
- Kam-hon Lee - School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Lisa Ruhanen, The University of Queensland, Australia
- Beta Budisetyorini, M.Sc. - Bandung Institute of Tourism, Indonesia
- UNWTO.Themis Foundation

We would be honored if you would join us for this event in BIT and looking forward towel coming you in Bandung.