Forum for International Tourism & the Environment (FITE) 2017

Category: Berita STPB

STPB, March 12th, 2017 | STP Bandung in cooperation with IFI-Institut Francais Indonesia (under the Embassy of France) held FITE for the second time, after success in 2016 and one of the STP Bandung students was the winner of the competition.

This year, FITE Business Solutions Competition invites students from Indonesia, France, and the world to participate in a "Business Case" competition focusing on how to promote sustainable tourism businesses in Indonesia.

The 2017 FITE International Student Conference held in the Hall on the 6th floor of Ciremai Building STP NHI Bandung, Sunday, March 12th, 2017, attended by students, sector professionals, researchers in the field of sustainable development, as well as educators in the field of tourism. On the previous day, March 11th, 2017, the finalists participated in Coaching Day in Maribaya Glamping, with Mentors from Georges Washington University (GWU), USA.

Fite Conference 2017 officially opened by the Director of STP NHI Bandung, Dr. Anang Sutono, CHE. and Ms. Emilienne Baneth-Nouailhetas (Educational Cooperation Attaché French Embassy in Indonesia). On this occasion, the finalists presented the research of tourism business solutions with judges from Georges Washington University, IFI, and tourism stakeholdet in Indonesia. Winners of the competition are given the opportunity to attend the summer school in France for one month.

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AdmirorGallery 4.5.0, author/s Vasiljevski & Kekeljevic.
FaLang translation system by Faboba


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